Are you yet able to extend your conclusion to all religion?
i've just finished reading two (imo) great books:.
"a history of christianity - the first three thousand years", by diarmaid macculloch.
"misquoting jesus", by bart ehrman.
Are you yet able to extend your conclusion to all religion?
i've just finished reading two (imo) great books:.
"a history of christianity - the first three thousand years", by diarmaid macculloch.
"misquoting jesus", by bart ehrman.
“St. Paul versus St. Peter: A Tale of Two Missions”, Michael Goulder
“The Rise of Christianity”, W.H.C. Frend
“Christian Beginnings: From Nazareth to Nicaea, AD 30-325”, Geza Vermes
“A New History of Early Christianity”, Charles Freeman
“Jesus Wars: How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens, and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe for the Next 1,500 Years”, Philip Jenkins
“Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew”, Bart Ehrman
“AD 381: Heretics, Pagans and the Christian State”, Charles Freeman
“When our world became Christian 312-394”, Paul Veyne
The Bible was created by the Church. The Bible did not fall out of the sky, therefore read on their canonisation processes.
“Lost Scriptures: Books that Did Not Make It into the New Testament”, Bart Ehrman
“The New Testament Apocrypha”, M.R. James
“The Apocryphal New Testament”, J.K. Elliott (based on the book by M.R. James)
“The New Testament Canon: Its Making and Meaning”, Harry Y. Gamble
“The Problem of the New Testament Canon”, Kurt Aland
“The Formation of the New Testament”, Robert M. Grant
“A High View of Scripture?”, Craig D. Allert
on reddit, there's a post about how 666 is mistranslated as 616 in revelation (thread).
666 and 616 are both correct.
if you read into revelations, very little is presented as actual prophecy- it's an analogous tale to describe the roman empire during their persecution of christianity.. 666 and 616 come from the hebrew tradition of converting words into numerical values.
The Hebrews did not "convert" letters into numbers. Each of the 22 letters of the alphabet is assigned a number, so that a number is a sequence of letters, regardless of the order they are placed. This makes calculation impossible, as with Roman the numeral system.
It took until the recent Middle Ages before the current numbering system and consequent mathematics was introduced into Europe from North Africa (name of the guy responsible is on the tip of my brain but refuses to emerge from the depths). European science (especially astronomical calculations and observations) was dragged from mythology into genuine enquiry through its contact with the scientists and mathematicians of the Islamic world.
But getting back to the Hebrews and their fascination between numbers and words - search for: Gematria.
Many Jews were/are similarly interested in the esoteric. Search for Kabbalah and Kabbalistic.
i know some of you are going to roll your eyes, but i have been reading the divine plan of ages.
here is my question:.
will someone please give me a timeline of what russell (bible students) thought would happen, when it would happen?.
Does this help a little:
Also, the diagrams showing the "Dispensations" and of the Great Pyramid in the Millennial Dawn/Studies books provide additional clues. He called the series Millennial Dawn because he considered that it had already commenced. Imagine what the current WTS would do to him if he was preaching his message today!
The 1874 Parousia (discovered courtesy of Barbour) was still being taught as late as 1930. The date of 1914 was the end-point of the unprecedented Time of Trouble, which would see the outbreak of world-wide peace under the auspices of Zionism. 1874 and 1914 this provide the meaning to his magazine title: "Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence" - one part related to Zionism's future and the other part related to the fact that Christ's Parousia had already taken place.
"meaning, of course israelites living among all nations" (social science commentary on the letters of paul, p.17) (italics mine).. .
the above authors suggest that paul was an "apostle to israelite minorities living among non-israelite majority populations" (p.7).
for me, such understanding clarified a number of things that were, in effect, hiding in plain sight.
Paul was a member of the Jewish Diaspora, and the people of Jerusalem knew him only by reputation, not by face.
Paul and the leadership at Jerusalem (James, Cephas and John) were at loggerheads with one another. That is the reason they fought him; Paul had a "no-Law" Gospel but the Jewish Christians from Jerusalem demanded full obedience to Mosaic traditions and laws, signified through male circumcision.
When they spoke about "all nations", they knew of the nations around the Mediterranean (meaning "middle of the earth") plus those nations involved with trade (India, etc). And Paul wrote that the Gospel (his version of it, anyway) had reached all nations. He and the rest fully expected the "end" (Coming) to take place within their own lifetime.
There is absolutely no way that one can relate the nations that we know with the nations which existed in their times. Even modern nations such as Italy, Germany, and Iraq are very recent federations of disparate states. And to think that Paul (or Daniel or the Revelator) knew anything about USA, Russia and so on is beyond belief.
as well as providing new archaeological information, the book "the ark before noah: decoding the story of the flood" by irving finkel (published 2014) provides material for those of us who are interested in the neo-babylonian period.
for example, one subheading is: "why were the judeans in babylon?
" (page 226).. dr irving finkel is assistant keeper of ancient mesopotamian script, languages, and cultures at the british museum.
Well, am I the deepest shade of green with envy!!
When I attempted to watch the TV program online, I was informed that I was not permitted to watch it, presumably due to international copyright restrictions. Unfortunately, my guess is that if or when this series is shown on TV in Australia that it will be confined to pay TV, which is not subscribed to by the majority of Aussies, myself included.
according to wt history, as a youth/young man, ct russell was unsatisfied with a number of explanations he was taught about the bible.
as a result he went on a quest to 'study' the bible himself.
ultimately this led to an organization that now requires its members to read bible aids to help them understand the bible.
The following books provide the bigger picture of the centuries-long prophetic speculation, of which the 19th century was one small part:
"Apocalypse & Millennium: Studies in Biblical Eisegesis", Kenneth G. C. Newport (Cambridge University Press, 2000);
"A History of the End of the World: How the Most Controversial Book in the Bible Changed the Course of Western Civilization", Jonathan Kirsch (Harper Collins, 2006).
The lesson that history teaches is that people do not learn the lesson that history teaches.
as well as providing new archaeological information, the book "the ark before noah: decoding the story of the flood" by irving finkel (published 2014) provides material for those of us who are interested in the neo-babylonian period.
for example, one subheading is: "why were the judeans in babylon?
" (page 226).. dr irving finkel is assistant keeper of ancient mesopotamian script, languages, and cultures at the british museum.
As well as providing new archaeological information, the book "The Ark Before Noah: Decoding the Story of the Flood" by Irving Finkel (published 2014) provides material for those of us who are interested in the neo-Babylonian period. For example, one subheading is: "Why were the Judeans in Babylon?" (page 226).
Dr Irving Finkel is assistant Keeper of Ancient Mesopotamian script, languages, and cultures at the British Museum. He writes with good humour with freshness and an obvious love. The Guardian wrote:
"Finkel's conclusions will send ripples into the world of creationism and among ark hunters".
according to wt history, as a youth/young man, ct russell was unsatisfied with a number of explanations he was taught about the bible.
as a result he went on a quest to 'study' the bible himself.
ultimately this led to an organization that now requires its members to read bible aids to help them understand the bible.
I suggest that the people with the greatest influence were Rutherford and Fred Franz. The former ditched much of Russell's ideas (1874, pyramidology, etc) while the ideas that Rutherford introduced (1914, "Jehovah's Witnesses", etc.) shaped the organisation. Franz built on Rutherford's framework. Rutherford was "crash-through". Knorr was a businessman.
The WTS therefore looks at Russell through the lens of his successors. The reality is that Russell was a product of his time - the 19th century US prophetic speculators.
It is worth noting that there are innumerable splinter groups which owe their origin to Russell. He would not recognise the current Watchtower Society as having succeeded him.
according to wt history, as a youth/young man, ct russell was unsatisfied with a number of explanations he was taught about the bible.
as a result he went on a quest to 'study' the bible himself.
ultimately this led to an organization that now requires its members to read bible aids to help them understand the bible.
Hi Maat,
I can only provide a pen-picture of people who influenced CTR. My compilation, including the WTS's first President (not CTR) is available at:
For comprehensive studies see the two books by Schulz and de Vienne: "Nelson Barbour: The Millennium's Forgotten Prophet", and "A Separate Identity: Organizational Identity Among Readers of Zion’s Watch Tower: 1870-1887"